Baader Norge AS
BAADER has been manufacturing fish processing machines since 1919 and soft belt separators since 1969. LINCO has been building poultry processing machinery since 1944. The BAADER Group plans designs, set up complete processing lines and solutions. With offices and representatives and service stations all over the world and a reputation of high quality equipment for the food industry, BAADER is the right partner. The BAADER-Group with its competence in fish processing, poultry processing, separator technology, weighing and grading and Business Solutions is one of the strongest and most innovative business partners in the global food processing industry. With own offices, representatives and service stations all over the world and a reputation of high quality equipment for the food industry, The Baader Group constitute one of the strongest and most innovative business partners in the global food processing market.
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Baader Norge AS
Org nr 983 231 403
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